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Kingdom of God Revolution

A Kingdom of God Revolution, Part 3

By February 19, 2019No Comments

The other night I had a group of men over to my fire pit; what I call “The Fellowship of the Ring.” One of these men has been struggling with a disease that has brought him to the point of being bedridden. As I saw him walk up, I heard the Lord say, “this man has faith for healing.” I told him so. When we laid hands on him, I could feel the power of God flow through my hands. Since that time, he has felt a marked difference in his health. The Kingdom of God came.

Last week, while on a retreat with Liz at The Broadmoor Hotel, we ordered breakfast. Liz and I laughed that we “ordered in breakfast” to our room. In thirty-three years of marriage we had never ordered a meal to a hotel room. I know we’re cheapskates, but this time we were too tired to go out. The bellhop who brought the meal was from New Zealand and we struck up a conversation with him. We shared Christ with him and asked if we could pray over him. He said yes and after I prayed, he looked at me with this incredulous look and exclaimed, “Wow. I feel this lightness over me!” The Kingdom of God came.

In the afternoon, on Thursday, I spoke at a Valentine’s Day Banquet for “Men with a Purpose,” at the Pinery in Colorado Springs. As I spoke, I could feel about halfway through the message, the Holy Spirit came and His anointing fell upon me. It was the same feeling I had on Sunday during the sermon at The Road. The Kingdom of God came.

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you,” (Luke 17:21, NKJV) and that the “kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17, NKJV). In other words, the Kingdom of God is not material in its make-up. The Kingdom of God is not of this earth. The Revolution I’m writing about is when Kingdom life invades our earthly life with power. When Jesus cast out demons, he said that the Kingdom had come (Matthew 12:28, NKJV). When the Kingdom of God intersects the kingdom of the earth, something always happens. It’s exciting to be a revolutionary of the Kingdom.

A Kingdom Revolutionary,


Steve Holt M.A., D.D.

My newest book, Worshipper Warrior, can be found at
