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A Tribute to Melba Holt

By January 4, 2018November 27th, 2018No Comments

My mom, Melba Holt, passed into eternity yesterday, January 3rd, 2018. She was the rock of our family. We are rejoicing that she is celebrating with Jesus beside her mom, dad and family who have gone before her.

As I ponder today the influence and love that I received from her, I’m flooded with too many amazing memories. I’m one of those rare people that doesn’t struggle with a “mother wound.” We truly got along and passionately loved each other. She was always my best fan.

But what are the first things that come to mind about Melba Holt; two things. First, Melba Holt was a woman of conviction! She raised David and me to be men of strong vision and values. She never compromised on anything that she felt was against the kingdom of God. She fought for civil rights during the Jim Crow Laws of the South. She was the first and only white person to teach in an all-black high school in my family’s small town in South Carolina.

Secondly, Mom always stood by her man. She was my dad’s right arm in 6 churches that he pastored and/or planted. Wherever Dad felt led to live, Mom saddled up and went to work. Everywhere we lived, Mom volunteered in the church, in hospitals and with hospice. You name it, Mom helped in some way. Dad would be the first to say that he couldn’t have pastored as effectively as he did without Mom.

It’s bitter sweet, but we are all excited with her home-going. She made a mark that will be hard to erase.

On the road marked with memories,
