If you did not read my last two blogs, let me encourage you to go back, read the first and second, and then commence with this one.
The question I’m posing is this: Is it possible to build a Kingdom revolutionary movement with differences of opinion, differences of viewpoint, differences of perspective? I believe so. In my first blog I shared some of the differences that even existed in the early church, yet they were united under the banner of making disciples. In my second blog, I shared the value of a shared belief system under the Apostles’ Creed.
Paul had a unified church in mind when he wrote to the quarreling Corinthian church, “I beg you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that all of you agree with each other and not be split into groups. I beg that you be completely joined together by having the same kind of thinking and the same purpose (mission).” (1 Corinthians 1:10 NCV)
At The Road, since the covid outbreak, I have been surprised whom I have aligned myself with among churches in Colorado Springs. I have said often, “It is amazing who is in the trench with you when in battle.” Before the covid fiasco, I would have never seen myself as working closely with certain churches. But during our current crisis in America, I have found myself standing with a variegated group of pastors. I have grown to love these men and women.
A Common Mission
I mentioned in the last blog that the Apostles’ Creed is the best creedal statement I know of for uniting the Church. But unity by a creedal statement is only the beginning.
In today’s confusing world, a common mission is of equal value. Paul, Peter, and Barnabas had quite different perspectives and worldviews (Paul the scholar, Peter the fisherman, and Barnabas the encourager); but they were united by a common mission of making disciples.
Each church will have its emphasis and focus. This should always be respected. But it is as we reach out and move forward with God’s vision for our church, that we will discover other churches with a similar mission. I am challenging us to be open to the teamwork and synergy that comes with a greater sense of effort with others.
This past year The Road has worked closely with other churches in the following ways:
- Sean Feucht Worship at a local park, working with 20 pastors and churches, and seeing God bring out 6,000+ people, and 200 baptisms
- Mutual prayer for revival over our city through praying together with 25 pastors
- Twenty-five pastors signing a declaration to “Open Up Colorado” – Op-Ed in the Gazette newspaper
- National Day of Prayer during which 20 pastors and 15 local leaders prayed together
- Unity dinner that Liz and I hosted with 10 pastors and 12 local leaders
- Working together with seven pastors and many local leaders to elect conservative school board candidates. We won almost every election!
- Crafting a “Church Voter Guide” for all local elections
When we are willing to embrace and work with other churches with a similar vision on an issue, it brings greater impact. Whether it’s planting a new church, feeding the poor, or fighting sex trafficking, we can be united in proclaiming and demonstrating the Kingdom of God. The impact of working as the Body of Christ, building His Kingdom and not our own, can be amazing. Let’s work toward greater unity of mission without compromising our core values!
Working toward Unity,
Pastor Steve