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Revealing Secrets in the Darkness

By December 2, 2021No Comments

In Babylon serving the king, Daniel, in the midst of national turmoil, reveals the secret meaning of a dream. Upon the revelation from heaven, given to King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel praises the Lord and pronounces, “He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.” (Daniel 2:22)

In speaking to “His anointed, Cyrus,” the Lord says of him, “I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by name, am the God of Israel.” (Isaiah 45:3)

Just as King Herod is secretly planning to release a holocaust upon the innocent children of Bethlehem, the Magi and Joseph, the father of Jesus, are given dreams warning them of the coming mayhem, “Then, being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way. Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream saying, ‘Arise, take the young Child and His mother and flee to Egypt…’” (Matthew 2:12-13)

The Bible clearly teaches that God reveals secret things, hidden plans of the enemy, to His saints. It seems that such revelation comes most often in times of epoch change or national upheaval. There is no doubt to historian or theologian alike that one of Daniel’s most endearing spiritual gifts was the receiving of and interpretation of dreams. His gifting was powerfully used in four administrations in Babylon. As Cyrus comes to power, God promises him that he will be shown the treasures of darkness. The list goes on.

But what are we to learn from such cryptic passages? How might this relate to us today? As our nation is being plunged into darker and darker forebodings, what might we hold onto?

It’s interesting that Liz and I keep coming back to such antidotal references as we navigate the growing darkness in America. It gives us hope and courage to know that God often prophesies to His people of demonic strategies. The Bible even tells us that “we are not ignorant of his (Satan’s) schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2:11)

History tells us that in AD 70, as the Romans were about to lay siege to Jerusalem, the Christians remembered the words of Jesus (in Matthew 24:9,16), “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation…then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” The great Jewish historian Josephus records that the Christians fled Jerusalem based on these words and were saved while the Jews remained and were slaughtered.

I believe God will speak to us through visions and dreams during great darkness. Two years ago, God gave me a dream of “ominous times coming” and then wrote 2 Chronicles 7:14 in white letters over the dark scene He showed me. As a result, we have now prayed at noonday for over 400 days straight.

We are in some dark times in our nation, but I believe God will continually guide us clearly and concisely as to the plans of the enemy. He loves His Church, and if we will continually listen and heed His voice, God will guide us, empowers us, and strengthen us into victory. I am unafraid. I pray that for you, too. Seek Him. Listen for His voice. Walk with joy.



Pastor Steve