In my first two blogs I gave a brief history of how and why John D. Rockefeller took over the medical industry with petrochemical drugs. I covered: a brief history of petrochemicals, how they became pharmaceuticals, the Flexner Report in 1910, and Fitzgerald Report in 1953.
Ernest Krebs and Laetrile.
In 1952, a year before the infamous Fitzgerald Report, biochemist Ernst Krebs in San Francisco proposed that cancer was a “deficiency disease,” a metabolic reaction to poor eating habits, and a result of missing nutrients from the modern diet. He proposed that cancer could be cured with a compound called amygdalin, found in 1,200 plants, and most specifically in the seeds of apricots. By extracting amygdalin from apricot kernels, Krebs created a product called Laetrile.
A primitive tribe, the Hunzas, were known to eat large amounts of apricot seed kernels. There was no incidence of cancer with them at all! They were known to live long, healthy lives. Amagdylin resembles the B complex structures, so Dr. Krebs called it B17, since there were already sixteen types of B vitamins.
Dr. Krebs, wanting to be assured there were no toxic side effects, injected himself with Laetrile. Further lab animal and culture experiments concluded that Laetrile would be powerfully effective in the treatment of cancer. Under the treatment of Laetrile, cancer always self-destructed.
Enter the Rockefeller-controlled FDA
By the 1960’s word was getting out about the effectiveness of Laetrile. Unsurprisingly (if you’ve been following my blog) the Rockefeller-controlled FDA launched a massive media campaign against the use of Laetrile claiming without any verified evidence, the treatment was toxic and dangerous. By 1971, the FDA officially banned Laetrile.
But the medical community wasn’t buying it. There was an increasing interest in Laetrile from government officials and medical journals. Big Pharma knew they had to stamp out this cancer healing drug once for all. If word got out, it could be the death knell to the money laundering Big Cancer Medical Complex (Sorry, but not really. This is my term). They needed an “official” test to prove that Laetrile didn’t work.
Enter Dr. Sugiura
Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura, known as “the preeminent cancer researcher in America,” with over sixty years of experience, publishing hundreds of academic papers on the subject led and directed the tests on Laetrile. In 1972 tests began with Laetrile being administered to mice with many different types of cancerous tumors. At the end of the tests, Dr. Sugiura concluded that Laetrile indeed “stopped the spread of cancer, inhibited the growth of tumors, and acted in cancer prevention.”[1] Laetrile even provided relief from general pain and improved overall health of patients.
A Miracle Drug
This seemed to be a miracle! Could it be that cancer would become a disease of the past and thousands could be healed with Laetrile? The only problem were the three Rockefellers sitting on the board of Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (financed by the Rockefeller Foundation), as well as a dozen representatives of companies making big money from Big Pharma and cancer research. As one reporter said, “all hell broke loose” with the seemingly miracle working conclusions of the use of Laetrile. Another round of tests was ordered. Unfortunately for Big Pharma, the second round of tests only confirmed the first. Had a cure for cancer been found?
In my next blog, we will look at what Big Pharma did to the miracle drug Laetrile. Until next time,
Pastor Steve
Meridian Health Clinic.
The Universe Inside You.
Literary Hub.
How Rockefeller Monopolized Medicine and Created BIG PHARMA
Champion Boxing Club.
The Cancer Racket.
Life Extension.
[1] How Rockefeller Monopolized Medicine and Created Big Pharma.