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The Rockefeller Foundation and The Rise of Big Pharma, Part 2

By February 29, 2024No Comments

In my last blog I gave a brief history of how and why John D. Rockefeller took over the medical industry with petrochemical drugs, you can access it here.

In 1910, the Rockefeller Foundation, working closely with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in New York City, helped to fund the Flexner Report, a report authored by Abraham Flexner. Commissioned by the American Medical Association. The intention of this report was to help evaluate and potentially restructure medical education in the United States.

The Demonization of Holistic Therapy

Among its many conclusions were that there were too many doctors and too many medical schools. The Flexner Report concluded that homeopathy and natural God-given plant medicinal benefits were quackery. They called for the elimination of all medical schools that taught naturopathy, homeopathy, and electromagnetic field therapy and standardization of medical education. The American Medical Association would become the only entity to license medical schools and doctors in the U.S. Congress approved the conclusion of the Flexner Report.

Grants from the Rockefeller Foundation poured into medical schools who taught the new way of Rockefeller’s patented drugs. They were able to completely monopolize the medical industry with oil-based pharmaceuticals. The new mantra became “a Pill for any Ill.” Any mention of homeopathy or plant-based medical approaches were systematically wiped out. In cooperation with Rockefeller’s money, the media fell in line and the demonization of natural remedies had begun.

Over the next ten years, those medical schools who still taught any form of homeopathy were closed and doctors who continued their naturopathic practices were jailed.  Petrochemical pharmaceuticals took over the medical education and practices in the United States. John D. Rockefeller by systematically monopolizing oil and medicine sealed his iconic position as the richest man who has ever lived.

The Fitzgerald Report

In the early 1950s, Senator Charles Toby enlisted an investigation into American medicine. Working closely with The Interstate Commerce Commission, and investigator Benedict Fitzgerald, they looked into growing allegations of a conspiracy and monopoly in medicine. Toby became interested in the issue when his own son had been diagnosed with cancer and given less than two years to live by orthodox medicine before pursuing alternative holistic treatments and being completely healed. The result was a 1953 report known as the Fitzgerald Report. The conclusions were shocking. It concluded that Big Pharma had been involved in a “conspiracy of alarming proportions.”

The report read in part,

“Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy [homeopathic and holistic] clinics, hospitals, and research laboratories which do not conform to the [Rockefeller petrochemical patented pharmaceutical drug] viewpoint of medical associations.”

The Fitzgerald Report continued by naming at least twelve promising cancer treatments, including Hoxsey Therapy by name, that Big Pharma had suppressed. It was a phenomenally damning report. It made clear that the long arms of Big Pharma were in complete control of suppressing alternative medicines everywhere.

In my next blog we will look at the Rockefeller-controlled FDA and why we still have no cure for cancer. Until next time.

Pastor Steve



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How Rockefeller Monopolized Medicine and Created BIG PHARMA