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Holy Sexuality and the Gospel

By September 28, 2023No Comments

When our son shared with our family that he considered himself gay, Liz and I began to dive into all the literature on the topic of homosexuality as it related to Christianity.  I was aware but not intimately with some of the different viewpoints on being gay and claiming to also be a Christian. I expected the classic liberal church to affirm this alternative lifestyle, but was I ever surprised to study the proliferation of “evangelical Christians” who affirmed what is now being labeled as Gay Christianity.

Andy Stanley and Sexual Deconstructionism 

One of the most pronounced and noteworthy pastors who has left a historical biblical perspective is Andy Stanley of Northpoint Church in Atlanta, Georgia. For the past twelve years, Andy Stanley has been on a slow regression into progressive Christianity, continually affirming gay Christians as the “most brave people” in the church for being Christian and gay. He is hosting the conference, Unconditional, especially designed for LGBTQ+ children and ministry leaders. “You will be equipped, refreshed, and inspired” (from their website) by two plenary speakers who are gay men married to other men. Andy Stanley, it seems, is officially coming out the pastoral closet in affirming a deconstructed theology of being gay and Christian. Hopefully I’m wrong.

Truth hasn’t Changed!

Through my study of the Bible (in Hebrew and Greek), looking at the views of the historical Church, I have been convinced more than ever, that God is the same, His Word is the same, and we can trust that truth hasn’t changed! As a result, at The Road@Chapel Hills we are presenting Dr. Christopher Yuan in a two-day conference, October 6-8, that will inspire, empower, and encourage a resounding affirmation of biblical authority and the Church’s long standing convictions concerning sexuality and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As more confusion abounds on sexuality and gender, Dr. Christopher Yuan powerfully articulates that God’s truth is crystal clear not gray. Through the narrative of his personal transformation from an agnostic gay man to a Bible professor and through his graduate level education in biblical languages, theology, and even health sciences, Dr. Yuan casts a compelling vision of not embracing our sexuality, but embracing Christ, thus shattering the paradigms of gay and straight and pointing us toward the biblical standard of holy sexuality.

There is no such conference in our region! In the midst of apostacy and compromise, join us and be inspired, equipped, and empowered. Register today at

Pastor Steve