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GenderProgressive ChristianitySexuality

Unconditional Love doesn’t mean Unconditional Approval

By October 12, 2023October 18th, 2023No Comments

Dr. Christopher Yuan, at our Holy Sexuality and the Gospel conference, made the above statement and it resonated with me. It’s so biblical and true. Jesus showed unconditional love to the woman caught in adultery, but He also said, “Go and sin no more.” Dr. Yuan gave the most powerful messages I’ve yet heard on engaging our culture hermeneutically (biblical interpretation), culturally, and attitudinally about homosexuality. This conference contrasted with Andy Stanley’s similar conference, Unconditional, at North Point Church, in Atlanta, Georgia, two weeks ago. Stanley’s conference was also about loving the gay individual but from the perspective of total acceptance and approval. Dr Yuan gave us an apologetic for unconditional love without unconditional approval of sin.

Dr. Yuan tackled the different biblical interpretations in the Church world that have misled many pastors, leaders, and churches into giving tacit approval to, what is termed, Gay Christianity. He went through every passage in the Bible that deals with homosexuality and unpacked the Hebrew, Greek, and context of the author. He explained the misleading ways that speakers and authors of the so-called Progressive Church have misquoted, misinterpreted, and misled many in the Church.

We are not commanded in scripture be heterosexual for I am heterosexual, but rather we are commanded to “Be holy for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16). Heterosexuality is the right direction but not the goal. The goal for the married or unmarried is holiness.  The goal is “Be holy for I am holy.” The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality, but holiness.

This conference empowered The Road @ Chapel Hills in how to lovingly and compassionately engage the homosexual without approving of the sin. If you are a pastor, leader, or member of a church, consider bringing in Dr. Christopher Yuan to speak. You will be blessed and equipped.

Pastor Steve