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Crisis, Chaos and Solitude

By October 3, 2017November 27th, 2018No Comments

My precious wife, Liz, just returned from five days of arduous work in hurricane torn Houston. She was exhausted. Yesterday, I came home from a day of worship, prayer, preaching and meetings, completely spent. Our son, Isaac, is in the throes of the aftermath of a killer’s rampage in Las Vegas. He has been up all night as the social media director for the largest church in Vegas, communicating with those affected by the massacre.

Jesus knew something of crisis and chaos. From feeding thousands, to being harassed by hostile leaders, to eventually being arrested and murdered. He gives us a clue into how we find endurance during difficult times.

Jesus took his disciples with Him, and they withdrew themselves.” (Luke 9:10, NKJV).

In order to grow in grace, we must often withdraw from the frenetic pace of our lives, into solitude and quiet. We must spend a great deal of our time alone with God. Martin Luther, a man who arguably changed the world, once said, “I’m too busy not to pray.”

Today, before I moved into the study and planning for another week, I took a prayer walk. Liz spent time reading her Bible, writing in her journal and resting.

I have found that one hour with Jesus, alone, praying and meditating in the Word of God, is worth hours of planning and strategy. One hour with Jesus reaps greater results than days of meetings.

In solitude,


Steve Holt D.D. MA
Twitter @pastorsteveholt