Studies show that if you will do this one thing ten minutes each day, it will radically transform the direction of your life. People are always looking for the quick fix that will enable them to lose weight, feel better, or make more money. Well, there actually is a quick and easy method that when done just ten minutes per day could bring colossal changes to your life.
The ability to quiet your mind, focus your attention, and dismiss distractions that come your way daily is an excellent and powerful ability that God has placed within you. This ability is naturally wired into your brain. Getting your mind unburdened from worry, stress, and confusion takes a disciplined effort. The Bible says,
“We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5 The Message [MSG]).
Benefits of Catching Your Thoughts
When you get quiet, stopping the negative thoughts through directed attention, you change the physical matter of both your brain and your body in healthy ways. Saying I can’t do that, it never works for me, I’m such a loser, I will never change, promotes toxicity in your brain and body leading to depression, anxiety, and illness.
But catching those negative, toxic, and sinful thoughts midstream and renewing your mind with God’s promises, God’s thoughts, and God’s truth, will transform your life. All the studies show that people who choose to focus on good, positive, and honorable things release proteins that bring health into your bloodstream.
An interesting set of research shows that a certain protein, a prion protein, operates like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde—the metaphorical story of a good man who hides an evil side. One doctor describes, “When a prion protein folds over itself, it plays a crucial role in neurodegenerative diseases that lead to dreadful syndromes…” But the prion protein, when encountering positive faith-filled thoughts, abounds in reorganizing our brain in healthy potent ways. This in turn releases peace into our bloodstream. The choice is ours.
Shift your Frontal Cortex
Research shows that taking just ten minutes a day to capture your thoughts, focus and meditate on truth, refocuses the frontal cortex of your brain. Research shows that those ten minutes of intense focus and deep thinking exponentially increases your chances of a healthier happy life.
God has blessed you with a powerful mind. You can make the choice every day to reign in toxic unhealthy thoughts by releasing powerful truthful thoughts. God has designed the frontal lobe to precisely do this. You can do it.
Take ten minutes each day to focus your attention and train your brain to think God’s thoughts, God’s miracles, God’s promises. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, open your Bible in Psalm 1 and think deeply about what you’re reading. Meditate on it. Pray about it. Just ten minutes. Do it every day and watch your life change!
Pastor Steve