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Armed for a Fight

By March 20, 2018November 27th, 2018No Comments

It was a glorious day—sunny, cool and the powder was perfect for skiing. As I glided down the steep grade, I made a quick cut and heard a pop in my knee, followed by a searing pain running up my leg. I lay down in the snow and took deep breaths. I felt nauseated.

What was supposed to be a joyful, uneventful day with two of my buddies was taking an ugly turn. As I considered the first thing that came to mind—a torn ACL—a wave of depression and anxiety swept over me.

Life is a lot like my ski trip. We begin with enthusiasm and faith, attack the hill and soon find out: we don’t know how to ski so well. Here and there we experience the exhilaration, but the vast majority of our journey is pretty damn hard.

I just got finished doing a Marriage Get-Away with twenty couples. I spent hours speaking, listening and counseling. The stories I heard of devastation and betrayal were exhausting.

Jesus said of this life, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10, NKJV). Why did Jesus put those two statements together?

Might it be that we are born for battle? Could it actually be true that this life is really more about fighting for victory than anything else? We are born to be fighters. Leif Enger once said, “We and the world, my children, will always be at war. Retreat is impossible. Arm yourselves.” You are going to have to fight for the abundant life and it is anything but easy! A violent clash of kingdoms, ideologies, and forces are at work. Arm yourself for a fight.

Armed for a fight,


Steve Holt D.D. MA
Twitter: pastorsteveholt
Instagram: pastorsteveholt