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A Life of No Limits

By August 26, 2021No Comments

When I was a missionary in Japan, I came across a verse that rocked my world. It is found in Ephesians 4:8, When He (Christ) ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.” When I read that as a young man in my 20’s, attempting to build Bible studies all over Tokyo, I came alive in a new way.

In this verse, God is telling us that through the resurrection of Christ, He secured all the gifts that have been stored up for you and me. There is no spiritual gift or natural talent that you cannot obtain through the power of Christ!

Christ Captured Captivity

Christ captured captivity. This means that whatever Satan’s plans have been for your life to keep you in bondage was broken through Christ. That’s good news, folks. No, actually that is great news!

When I read that verse, I began to daily pray, “Lord may I experience everything You have for me in the Christian life. Help me to never limit what You can do through my life.”

There is no limit to what Christ can do in and through the people of God (the Church). What would happen if every believer in Christ began to pray what I prayed so long ago? I know what would happen. We would literally turn the world right-side up.

An Empowered Church

We are in a world of hurt in our country because the Church is not being the Church.

We desperately need an empowered Church. If the Church could discover who she really is, the world would be shocked. Satan has effectively deceived us into believing the limits he has placed upon our lives. Let’s quit believing the lies and start walking in the truth.

Start today to pray “Lord, I will not ever limit what You can do through my life. Thank You for the resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Lead me and guide me into my full potential in Christ. Amen.”


No limits,

Pastor Steve