I want to challenge you to the most glorious, most adventurous, most joyful year you’ve ever known. 2017 could be a paradigm shifting year. God has so much more for you and me. To experience more of God’s love, to discover God’s call for our life. This will not just happen because we wish for it or even pray about it. We must battle, fight, and contend for God’s vision for our life.It will take focus.
The Apostle Paul was by far one of the most focused men who ever lived. Without Facebook, a twitter account, a cell phone, or snapchat, this Jewish tentmaker turned the first century civilized world right side up. How did he do it? He had a focused life. In one phrase, he gave us a glimpse into how he contended for a focused life.
Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So, run to win! (1 Corinthians 9:24-25 NLT)
Paul wanted to be a winner—a winner in the race of life; a winner in the vision God had given him; a winner in the calling of God. For Paul, who spent three years in Ephesus, he probably attended the Olympic games held in the 50,000-seat arena; he understood the determination, discipline, and focus of an Olympic athlete. He is instructing us from the vantage point of an athlete’s focused life.
The focused life involves three key elements: Direction, Determination, and Discipline. In that order. Direction leads to determination leads to discipline. Without any one of these, you will squander your destiny. Contend for it in 2017.
On The Road,
Twitter: @pastorsteveholt