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Nothing Else Matters

By September 29, 2016November 27th, 2018No Comments

Brian Kim, President of, recently tweeted, “If America doesn’t see revival, nothing else matters. If America does see revival, nothing else matters!” @briankim82, February 26, 2016. Well said, Brian.

There is little doubt that the biblical foundations, moral values, and common sense laws that have governed our nation for over two hundred years are being attacked and systematically eliminated. I have never experienced so much upheaval of culture as the past five years. Freedoms that all of us took for granted yesterday are in the news today as being suspect and even dangerous. With this being an election year, might I now say, an election month—we are less than forty days away, some of us are taking the next forty days to fast and pray for a heaven-sent revival.

Partnering alongside ACTS School, Every Home for Christ, The Call, Mission America, National Day of Prayer, and others, our church, The Road is fasting and praying for revival and awakening in America from September 30th to November 8th. The Road is also using these forty days to prayer walk our city of Colorado Springs, asking God for a heaven-sent revival of our churches and an awakening in our city.

What is a “revival?” is one of the most frequently asked questions. There are as many definitions on revival as there are teachers and theologians, but my definition would be, “a fresh passion for the first commandment—to love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength” (Mark 12:30; Matthew 22:37). A revival is when the Holy Spirit comes upon a person, a church, or a nation with fresh zeal and desire to love Jesus with wholehearted devotion.

Revival is always a surprising work of God! Revivals are God’s way of waking up a disciple, a church, a nation. It is, what I would call a “surprising work of God,” that breaks into our normal routine of life and resuscitates the spiritual atmosphere.

From Northhampton to Brownsville, America has experienced many such surprising works. It would take more than just a blog to recount the amazing stories of God’s heaven-sent revivals in our nation, but suffice to say that it could be argued biblically and historically that God’s best solution and most common way of revitalizing a culture is through revival—a fresh passion for the first commandment.

Join me in praying that the revival would begin with each of us!
