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“Dad,” the Hardest, but Most Fulfilling Title

By June 12, 2018November 27th, 2018No Comments

“Of all the titles I’ve been privileged to have, ‘Dad’ has always been the best.” Ken Norton, WBC World Heavyweight Champion.

I’ve carried a lot of titles in my life: athlete, pastor, missionary, husband, entrepreneur, but by far, the most difficult title has been, “Dad.” I thought being a husband was hard, then we had children. Seven of them. For the past thirty years I’ve carried the title, “Dad,” and nothing prepared me for this.

My dad was awesome. He loved Jesus. He loved mom. He spent time with my brother and me. But even with good modeling, I still wasn’t prepared for being a dad.

Father’s Day is coming up next Sunday and it occurred to me that I might want to jot down some of the hardest and most fulfilling things about being a dad. Here’s my musings:

My Top 3 hardest things about being a dad:

  1. Giving our children just enough to have resources, but not too much to spoil them.
  1. Being a protector of their heart without fighting their battles for them.
  1. Moving from being the leader of the family, whose word is law, to being a friend of young adults, who’s word is only advice.

My Top 3 fulfilling things about being a dad:

  1. Watching our young adults become passionate, zealous Jesus followers.
  1. Watching them find their calling in work and go for it with joy.
  1. Having fun together and being excited to hang out as a family.

Excited about being called, “Dad,”


Steve Holt D.D. MA
Twitter: pastorsteveholt
Instagram: pastorsteveholt