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People who know me always associate me with being an outdoorsman who loves to hunt, hike, and fly fish. But not too many know that I have a passion for wildflowers. In the summer, I get excited to hike in the mountains where the wildflowers are blooming. The variety and color of these little flowers dazzle my senses.

I have always wanted to have a wildflower garden. I have seeded in the past. But being the cheapskate that I am, I’ve never wanted to put in a needed sprinkler system. Thus, it never worked without consistent water.

But this summer I bit the financial bullet and installed sprinklers in my backyard. We planted apple and aspen trees, grass, and you guessed it, we seeded wildflowers. Because of my past failures, I truly wondered if anything would come up.

I checked on it every day. Nothing for a month. But in August my deferred hope was resurrected as a few flowers popped up! And then more. In God’s quick order, the principle of sowing and reaping took over and my little garden exploded with God’s high altitude flowering beauty!

Now, every morning I go out to my garden and praise the Lord for His variegated colorful enchanting beauty. Swaying in all their coquettish glory, they take my breath away.

Living art is what I would call God’s creation. It enlivens my life to be in it. My little wildflower garden is a taste of the Rockies and brings joy to my heart.

I believe that wildflowers depict the creativity of God’s handiwork. They remind me that God is the ultimate artist. He placed those flowers in our eyesight to remind us that we, His greatest creation, are of more value than them, see Matthew 6:28-30.


Pastor Steve