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AddictionAwakeningBattleBloodstained AlliesBreakthrough

Seventy in the War Room

By August 29, 2018November 28th, 2018No Comments

Have you ever had seventy men and women, crying out to God for your ministry, in a 3-day period of time? Almost every hour covered—morning and evening, twenty-four hours each day? Even at such inconvenient hours, as 2 a.m. or 3 a.m., men and women interceded for the Wilderness Encounter, a men’s journey into the geographical and spiritual wilderness of their souls.

It was John Wesley who famously said, “God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.” God’s presence and power came down, in so many amazing ways, during the Wilderness Encounter! From demonic encounters of bondage to freedom, to a young man giving his heart to Christ; from dramatic healings, to the beginning of restored marriages.

The Holy Spirit swept through our meetings, hikes and camp fire groups. In each D-Group, (4-5 men around a fire), the vulnerability of pain, shame and regret were met with love, grace and prayer. As men unloaded their guilt and remorse, “Bloodstained Allies” of men came around their hearts and ministered to them in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The open hearts and willingness to get real and authentic with other men could only have happened through the mighty power of believing prayer from the seventy prayer warriors. None of this could have happened without the sacrifice of so many in the war room. I attribute everything that happened at Wilderness Encounter as a direct result to believing prayer. They are the, “Mighty Seventy.”

On the road less traveled,


Steve Holt, M.A., D.D.