I am in 10 days of fasting and prayer right now. The theme of this special time with the Lord and the passage that continually comes up in my spirit, is Isaiah 26:9, “For when your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” God is doing something special in our nation.
The Tipping Point
We are at a tipping point. Like a pitcher, filled and overflowing, a nation’s unrighteous deeds, if not repented of, can reach an overflow. God’s judgment is the result. When we read Romans 1:18-32, we observe the signs of a crumbling, decaying culture (see my last blog). God always gives a nation over to her passions and desires. Judgment is released over a people, when they perpetually cross over the line of unrighteousness. Lawlessness is the result.
We watch daily the unraveling of our nation, from riots, to rape, to murder. We observe in horror, what has become commonplace across the nation: a 400% increase in crime in Chicago and New York over the past few weeks. The unrighteousness we have sowed is now being reaped in our cities.
Come Home, Church
But God wants us to learn righteousness through His judgments. I believe God is setting things up for His renewal and refreshment to come. Like the haggard and weary Samaritan woman at the well, who asks Jesus, “Where then do you get this living water?” (John 4:11). God is using judgment to make us thirsty. God the Father wants His church, His children, to come home.
You see, God’s judgment is not retributive, angry and punishing. God’s judgment is that of a loving, kind Father calling out to His children and asking them to come home. His is a firm discipline of forgiving love. Jesus is not condemning America, but calling the American Church to come home. He is reaching out to her and inviting His bride to the splendor and holy purity of her beautiful destiny.
I believe a revolution is around the corner. I believe revival will be a spark plug to the Kingdom of God Revolution that will sweep in millions of young people into our churches. It’s coming under the canopy of judgment.
Revolution now,
Steve Holt M.A., D.D.