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New YearRenewal

2024 Bring it On! Maximize your Time

By December 28, 2023No Comments

Some of you have had a rough year in 2023. Some of you have been knocked to the canvas. You might have even been knocked down to the count of nine. The theme at our church, The Road, is “Bring It On.” Adopt this theme for your life by first of all, maximizing your time!

The most common gift given to all of us is TIME. All of us have different heights, family backgrounds, ethnicities, and skin color, but all of us have the same common commodity and it’s time.

What you are and what you become depends on how you use your time. The billionaire and the beggar both have 24 hours every day. Time cannot be stopped; but you can control it. Only you can control how you use your time.

What you do with time determines your destiny!

A New Year is an Opportunity to:

  1. Reevaluate your Life.
  2. Reassess your Relationships.
  3. Reprioritize your Future.
  4. Redefine your Spiritual and Vocational Purpose.
  5. Reestablish worthwhile Goals.
  6. Refresh your Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health.

“I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied. He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity in their hearts…” (Ecclesiastes 3:10-11).

The word “beautiful” is the same word for mature. In other words, time is given to all of us to use to do something beautiful with our life; to grow in maturity with our lives.

God gave us time to experience eternity while on the earth. Eternal life began when you gave your heart to Christ. We are experiencing eternal life right now with the purpose of maturing in our time on the earth.

Time is a currency. Time is used to buy life. Time determines everything. Time is powerful.

Time Gives You Time to Change:

  • What do you want to look and feel like this time next year?
  • What kind of a marriage do you want to have this time next year?
  • If you are single and want to be married, what kind people do you need to be hanging around in 2024?
  • What kind of a relationship with God do you want to have this time next year?
  • What kind of friendships do you want to have this time next year?
  • What kind of job do you want to have this time next year?

Evaluate your life and set some new goals for the new year.

Time is more important than money. That’s why you’ve heard, time is money.

Time is the most important currency you have. You spend time the right way and it will change your life.

Time is the currency of your destiny!

For more detail on how to redeem your time in the new year, watch my sermon for New Year’s Eve at The Road, December 31, 2023. To watch online, click here. If you want to watch it at later time, click here.

Pastor Steve