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Fourth-Quarter Kingdom Comebacks

This week I was praying for President Trump and the 2020 election. I was talking with my good friend Mark Cowart, pastor of Church for All Nations in Colorado Springs, and as we shared together, he reminded me of the Sports Illustrated cover after the KC Chiefs won the Super Bowl in a fourth-quarter comeback. I looked at the cover and I thought, “God loves fourth-quarter comebacks!”

Biblical History is Full of Comebacks

When you look back in biblical history, we observe just how often God has shown up in miraculous power in “fourth quarter” ways. Right when everything looks hopeless, God shows up. A few examples:

  • The Exodus from Egypt, an amazing fourth-quarter escape (Exodus 12).
  • The Red Sea crossing, a last-minute miracle (Exodus 14).
  • The seventh time marching around Jericho (Joshua 6).
  • A shepherd boy showing up in the valley of Elah against a giant (1 Samuel 17).
  • Elijah against the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18).
  • Surrounded by the Assyrians, Hezekiah cries out to God for deliverance (2 Kings 18-19).
  • Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3).
  • Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6).

The Greatest Comeback in History

I could go on and on with all these stories in the Bible! But the greatest fourth-quarter kingdom comeback of all time is Jesus’s resurrection. At the cross, Jesus was beaten, broken, and dead. Yes, he was medically dead. Satan had won the victory! Satan was probably laughing and dancing over the tomb.

But, in the fourth quarter, in the early morning on the third day, God showed us the greatest fourth-quarter Kingdom comeback the world has ever known! Jesus rose from the grave! Jesus broke the power of sin and death.

Our God is a fourth-quarter kingdom comeback God!

So, as I look at the current election and the mess we are experiencing – the voter fraud, the censoring by the media, the bribing of judges – it all looks hopeless. With even our national law enforcement (CIA and FBI) seemingly compromised, it seems President Trump has no one on his side. It is December, and it is the fourth quarter.

But we have a God of fourth-quarter comebacks. God is involved. God is on the move. God is working. God is in the huddle with President Trump’s legal team. Millions are praying and are believing God for something to happen. I believe we will see a fourth-quarter comeback!

But even if we don’t see it in this election, we will see it. God’s not done with America. God’s not done with President Trump. God’s not done with the American Church. Pray, stand, and watch. The final whistle has not sounded yet.

Expecting a Miracle,
Pastor Steve
Steve Holt M.A., D.D.