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Great AwakeningThe Great Reset

The Rise of Totalitarianism in America

By May 2, 2024No Comments

Today is the National Day of Prayer. All across our fruited plain churches, ministries, state, and local governing bodies are gathering to pray. We certainly need prayer.

The United States of America is anything but united. We have always been a wobbly union, but over the past half a century, the divide racially, economically, and politically has lengthened and deepened to dangerous levels. The COVID pandemic exasperated our divisions and we have yet to recover.

I have many concerns. But for this blog, I want to focus on, what I believe to be, the most dangerous trend in our nation—totalitarianism. To think one would even use this term to describe a growing movement in our nation would have been utterly unfathomable even twenty years ago. But it’s here and it’s growing.

What is Totalitarianism?

It is the belief that the State is absolute. A belief in a central government telling the people how to live, what to produce, and where to live. The State is absolute and there is no individual freedom of speech, worship, or vocation. Francis Schaeffer described it this way,

“If there is no absolute above the state, then the State is absolute. If there is no God above the State, then the State is God.”

Now some of you may say something like this, Are you comparing us to Red China? Or North Korea? Surely, we aren’t like them. And you would be right. At least not yet.  Some have used the term “soft totalitarianism” to describe America. Meaning that it’s a softer gentler communism built around minority and gender rights, open borders, and gradual chaos, rather than strong military enforced dictatorial leadership. But don’t be fooled, there is something afoot that has growing danger. Before I continue let’s look at the original vision for America.

America is a Constitutional Republic

Our nation has been founded on four great documents, arguably the greatest democratic documents ever written. The first came from the Pilgrims and the others from our founding fathers. They are the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Truth and freedom are embodied in every aspect of these documents.

Enshrined in the first sentence of the second paragraph, the Declaration of Independence provides four basic truths for which one could argue all our freedoms and rights flow that have guided our nation. They describe the truths that originally held and still, though tattered, hold our nation together:

  1. A Commitment to Truth based in Natural Law, “We hold these truths to be self-evident…”
  2. That all People, whatever the Color of their Skin or Socio-economic Status, are Created Equal. “…that all men are created equal…”
  3. That all People were Created by God with Certain Rights. “…that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”
  4. That all People have the Right to Three Things. “…that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Why would anyone not believe these fundamental principles are the basis for everything that makes our nation successful, healthy, and united? Those who hate God, who think they are god, and who believe that the State should control all our rights—they indeed are the authors of the new soft totalitarianism. Instead of worshipping God they worship the State. Instead of believing in freedom, they propagate government control. Instead of believing in natural law, they invent unnatural laws to defy God’s creative ways. It’s Nazi Germany all over again.

Signs of Totalitarianism Rising in America

An Elite Few Govern There may be the façade of a congress or senate, but the real decisions are made by a select few. Working behind the scenes, this Elite Few are unelected by the people, they control the elected through bribes, promises, and status. Let me give you one example:

Approximately 90% of criminal cases are handled by 2,300 elected district attorneys (DA’s) spread across 3,143 counties. The rest are prosecuted by U.S. attorneys under the D.O.J. (Department of Justice). Until recently our elected DAs kept their part of the social contract by prosecuting criminals. They are the gatekeepers of the Criminal Justice System. But that changed in 2015 with the launching of the Billionaire George Soros-funded “progressive prosecutor” movement.

This movement is animated by two core beliefs: 1) the entire criminal justice system is systemically racist, and 2) the only way to fix it is to completely dismantle it by replacing current DAs with pro-criminal and anti-police district attorneys. It is under such DAs that cities like Chicago, New York, LA, and San Francisco have literally become war zones not unlike Third World countries. Don’t be deceived—the objective is chaos leading to control.

Monopolies take over the system of exchange of goods. Small businesses gradually get kicked out and can’t compete. It’s no longer a level playing field. The five biggest corporations together earned more than the income of the poorest two billion people – or nearly a quarter of the world’s population. And a single corporation, Walmart, during COVID earned more than half a trillion dollars or at least $1.5 billion every day, while Apple’s profits have rocketed to $95 billion.

Between 1995 and 2015, sixty US pharmaceutical companies merged and became just ten. Some twenty-five years ago, ten corporations controlled 40% of the global seed market; today it is just two.

Google enjoys an 85% share of the global search engine market, while Amazon, Microsoft, and Google together have 65% of cloud infrastructure services.

Censorship of Free Speech. Soft totalitarianism needs to control the narrative. The takeover of the mainstream media has been unprecedented in American media history. The elite of Google, Amazon, and Twitter began to censor speech during the COVID pandemic under the direction of the hidden elite. Many, myself included, believe the censorship of Trump just before the election was the key to Biden’s victory.

Control of Elections. Totalitarian states must control the ballot box. People will not naturally vote for the State to control them. The utter confusion of the last presidential election, the manipulation of the media, and censorship of free speech has only fueled the fire of speculation of illegal voting practices in key swing states. This issue is far from resolved.

Enforcers Recruited and Hired to keep the people in line. There must be a takeover of the military, police, and intelligence agencies. A totalitarian state cannot control the people without guns and marshal law. The unprecedented spying that the FBI and CIA have conducted on U.S. citizens through the USA Patriot Act (2001) is frightening.

A New Constitution must be enacted that gives clear control to the State over the people; a new Supreme Court, new judges, and new lawyers. Don’t be deceived this is the ultimate goal—complete control.

Take time today to pray for our nation. Take each of my points and pray that God would expose and confuse what the enemy is doing in our land.


Pastor Steve