Satan is ravaging the Church in America. Satan and his minions are having a field day in most churches today. I know; I’m a pastor. I hang out with believers almost 24/7. I hang out with pastors.
The word on the street is that the Church in America is in trouble. I am watching pastors and churches close their doors almost daily (30% in America according to a Barna Report) because of a tolerance for sin, a tolerance for half-hearted Christianity.
The grace of God and tolerance for Satan’s ways are not the same thing. I call that cheap grace. The grace of God brings strength, power, and authority in the life of the true believer. We are called to battle!
Fired Up Over the Cross
I am fired up by the blood of Jesus and what happened on Good Friday. At the cross, Jesus broke the power of sin, broke the power of the devil. His blood was shed to set us free. We don’t have to tolerate the lies, accusations, and manipulations of Satan any longer.
It’s over for Satan in our lives. Or is it? The people of God are ignorant of Satan’s schemes, ignorant in how to fight, and fearful of using their authority as blood-washed saints.
Tomorrow is Good Friday. Sunday is Resurrection Day. It’s 2021, and what we see on the landscape in our nation doesn’t look promising for the Church, for our freedoms, or for your life. But if we will start to fight back through the power of the blood of Jesus, we can win back what’s been stolen!
Woke Church or Wakened Church?
We don’t need a “woke church;” we need a “wakened church,” and that begins now.
The key passage for me this weekend and for this year is found in Revelation 12:11-12:
“And they overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down…”
The operable words are here: “They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony!” You have to have the combination of both phrases. The blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony are symbiotic.
God is speaking to us in 2021. Declare the blood of Jesus through the testimony of His Word. Yes, declare it out. It does no good to just believe it. You must declare it.
God makes declarations over you. God spoke the worlds into existence. The phrase, “God said,” is mentioned ten times in just the first chapter of Genesis. Psalm 107:2 reads, “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.”
So, start saying it! If you are redeemed in Christ, start declaring it to Satan. Declare your testimony of His love, grace, and power to Satan every day. Declare it over your life. Declare it over your finances. Declare it over your marriage. Declare it over your children. No tolerance!
No tolerance from this Pastor,
Pastor Steve