Paul concluded his letter to the Thessalonians with a good word to us in “covid times.” He writes, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23) Since almost all of my blogs deal with spirit and soul health, I thought I would commit this blog to body health.
Do your homework! Dr. John Campbell explains well concerning the new variant of covid in his excellent YouTube teaching, .
Advice from Pamela Holloway
Pamela Holloway, BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing), MS (Master of Science), ACIM (Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine), is one of my main advisors on such issues. The disclaimer from her would be, “This is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical advice. If you have medical issues, contact your health care provider.” The following is information from Pamela.
This new variation moves quickly and presents itself with body aches, intense fatigue, headache, sinus infection, occasional dry cough, sore throat, and clogged ears. Some present with nausea, most develop fever within 2-3 days. Symptoms will often progress rapidly after the initial 2-3 days, and respiratory status can decline rapidly. DO NOT WAIT TO TREAT! It is much easier to treat in the first 2-3 days. Those who have taken the shot as well as those who have not taken the shot are being affected.
Four Steps for Viral Treatment (Prevention and Intervention)
- START Preventative treatment NOW. Go to and download the protocol. Print the TABLE and use it. You can also get all other preventive supplies at a 15% discount from wholesale through the volunteer health ministry (text 540-661-6115 for more information). QUALITY of products matters! Do not purchase supplements from big box stores, as most have detrimental additives. The protocol works for much more than viral treatment; it reduces inflammation, etc., in the body and prevents many other health issues that are currently being seen in the population. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (quite literally – two months of prevention protocol is about the same cost as five days of treatment medication).
- Contact and fill out the form for a telehealth consult. Use the Colorado Springs Pharmacy at (719) 428-2003 to fill the script. The address is 2224 E, Pikes Peak Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80909.
- If you DO NOT have symptoms, pay $90 and do the prophylaxis appointment. Get the Hydroxychloroquine. They will issue 28 pills with one refill in the script. This is enough to cover an individual for six months. To fill the script will cost $60 at the Colorado Springs Pharmacy.
- If you DO HAVE symptoms, pay $185 and do the treatment appointment (it gives you three follow up calls). Get the Ivermectin along with a script for a nebulizer and high dose Vitamin D3 (with K2 preferably). They will issue the Ivermectin dosage based upon your weight (DO NOT say your weight is less than it actually is). To fill the script will cost over $200 at the Colorado Springs Pharmacy.
- If you have symptoms that have been ongoing for a few days and are struggling, contact and have them come to your location to do an IV. I did this and was feeling better in less than an hour! Their contact number is (720) 987-2155. Request IV Vitamin C and have them add a push of Glutathione. Also do an injection of Vitamin D3. They typically respond within two hours. The cost will be under $200, and they will respond at any hour. They can return to your home the next day to do another IV and then have to take a one day break before they can come back again.
- GET A NEBULIZER and 3% FOOD GRADE Hydrogen Peroxide (do not use unless it is specifically labeled food grade). You cannot buy one locally without a prescription, but they are sold online. Please make this purchase NOW and don’t wait until you have symptoms. You can get nebulizers and food grade hydrogen peroxide locally by texting 540-661-6115 (the cost is $75 for the kit and includes all that is needed; there is no markup – this just reimburses the Health Team their cost). You can also get all other preventive supplies at 15% discount from wholesale through the volunteer health ministry (text 540-661-6115 for more information). The nebulizer is a key tool that will have many benefits going forward (you can learn more at the research below).
IF YOU MUST go to an urgent care clinic or hospital, ask them to do the protocols from These protocols have high levels of success and have been widely used. Do not do telehealth through the FLCCC (the link above). Although their treatment is very effective, there have been issues with longer response times and not providing enough medication to cover the need for the cost of the consult. The Telehealth listed in paragraph 1 is responding rapidly and is giving adequate amounts of medication. They are also Christ-centered.
Important Articles and Research:
On the shot:
On Vitamin C: (Vitamin C, B1 & steroids reduced in-hospital sepsis death from 40.4% to 8.5%.)
- (article about Vitamin C in viral illness)
- (neutrophils accumulate ascorbic acid 50-fold from serum)
- Primal Panacea is a book by Tom Levy MD, JD, with 1000 peer-reviewed references on ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
On Zinc: ;
On Bromelain: ;
On Nattokinase:
On Lumbrokinase:
On Magnesium: (US Institute of Medicine report on Magnesium)
On N-AcetylCysteine:
We hope this is helpful,
Pastor Steve, DD, MA
Pamela Holloway, BSN, MS, ACIM