I prayed long and hard if I should post my last blog, “My Thoughts on the Covid Shot.” From the responses received, God seems to have used it to confirm what many are feeling and finding to be the untold truth through research. The responses were 25 to 1 positive, almost as good as your chance of recovering from Covid19, which is 99.97%.
It was so sad to hear of several people who have lost loved ones due to the Covid shot. In each case, they were not allowed by medical “officials” to claim a Covid shot death—though in every case, the sudden death was within 24 hours of the shot.
Since we never hear any of these stories from the mainstream media, I thought I would take this blog to share a few of the many responses I received. When one considers how small this sample is compared to our nation and world, it is deeply troubling to realize the national and international medical disaster this “vaccine” is birthing. And this is only the beginning.
A Small Sampling of Responses
Hi Pastor Steve, I just wanted to share something with you … My sweet cousin (33 years old) died 7 hours after getting the first Pfizer shot. Her body shut down so suddenly that she never even had a chance to call 911. Her coroner was not “allowed” to list the cause of death as the shot, so it was put down as “undetermined.”
Pastor Steve, that is by far the most balanced and well-written summary on Covid I have read. You have done more research than most doctors I know, and that is a sad indictment on the state of our health care system. I can’t wait to see Isaiah 59:19 played out.
Steve…We also had a friend who died from the shot. Another friend was hospitalized with swollen side of her head, bleeding in her ear, boils all over her body, a CAT scan that showed new spots on the lung, bladder failure…But the vaccine is “safe and effective!” Ugh. We didn’t lose a single person to Covid either, just a shot.
I totally agree with you, Pastor Steve!!!!! Thanks for a frank discussion. We have been coming to your church since we met with you at our house, and we love this church. Thank you for your honesty!
Thank you, Pastor Steve, for boldly sharing your opinion. I am in 100% agreement. The suppression of information and medication, parallel to Tamiflu, is egregious. I stand with you in battle, praying for the God of creation, the only true God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – to embolden, empower, protect, defend, and direct His warriors/worshipers to stand strong in their faith in Him.
The evil trinity: covid, masks, and vaccines under the pandemic headship has become a god to the masses in which they put all their hope and faith – so sad. Praying for a re-awakening and revival in His Church to seek and to share truth.
Fantastic article, thank you for writing it. It is non-confrontational, full of compelling data points, and just excellent information.
I personally have two main issues with the vaccine… 1) lack of trust in the way it has been politicized, making for a bad atmosphere for making good decisions for the public. 2) Most if not all of the vaccines have been developed or manufactured using aborted fetal tissue. I don’t know about you. But I would not kill one of my children to improve my health or even save my life. Why should I be part of killing someone else’s child for those reasons? I wouldn’t! We feel comfortable because we feel far from when and where the murder occurred. I still won’t play a part.
Thank you for your blog today. I couldn’t agree more. I am receiving a newsletter called The Defender, which comes from Children’s Health Defense.org. The Defender is the ONLY publication that I am aware of that is publishing the actual statistics about adverse reactions, deaths, and permanent disabilities surrounding the vaccine. I highly recommend subscribing to the newsletter. Go to www.childrenshealthdefense.org to sign up for the newsletter for free. (From Pastor Steve: I would highly recommend this publication from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
Pastor Steve, “Hallelujah” for putting the truth out there and informing the sheep. The fact that I can be in a gathering of a dozen people who totally embrace government or media reports and not do the research is so frustrating! Thank you for your boldness.
Pastor Steve…I have been researching vaccine safety, history, and policy for 30 years. I have come to the same conclusion about these vaccines. And, in all actuality, the mRNA vaccines are not vaccines at all in the scientific term of the word; they are operating systems. I think the bigger picture of these operating systems is incredibly evil because they can be operated from within and without.
Good Morning Pastor Holt,
That was well thought out and well said. I work as a Logistics Manager at the steel mill in Pueblo, and they had a Covid vaccine drive. This was a couple of weeks back. They had 1,000 doses of the J&J vaccine, and the mill put out flyers as though the circus was coming to town (in a way it was). I received call after call from folks further up the chain to encourage people to go get the shot. It is not my responsibility nor my business to intervene in one’s health. In addition, along with a vaccine in which no one is accountable if there is an adverse side effect, add that to the many deaths from the vaccine. I had to kindly tell those from my corporate office that I would not encourage anyone to get a vaccine; it is their choice. I got a lot of people upset at me.
Make a long story short, the day after the vaccine drive, over 30 people did not show up to work. Many were knocked on their butts and were sick for a couple of days. Then shortly thereafter, the vaccine was put on pause.
In conclusion, here is a sidebar that just came out in The Defender last week, “VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reporting System of the CDC) data released on [April 24, 2021] showed 86,080 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 3,186 deaths and 10,152 serious injuries between December 14, 2020 and April 16, 2021.” And this is only people who can report. This is not reported in the mainstream media.
Yours for a Health Revolution in our Time,
Pastor Steve